Friday, November 28, 2014

About "Webquest"

"A webquest is an assignment which asks students to use the World Wide Web to learn about a specific topic. A good webquest makes learning interesting for your students. Beyond that, however, several other factors make webquests a powerful learning tool. (From Webquest 101 )"

Here I upload one webquest from, famous webquest site.

It's title is "Physical Fitenss"

It has several steps : This is "TASK" part

Students will be divided up into groups of three and each be given a different role in the group, but each group member will help the other members with each other뭩 roles so everyone gets the same experience as the everyone else. First, role one will have the students look at the sites given at different information about physical fitness. Second, the student will gather that information and create an outline for the third student. Lastly, the third student will create the power point. Each group will give a presentation at the end of the week, which will give the students three days to complete it in class. The presentation should be 8-10 min of good research.
Centers for diesease control and prevention offers a wide variety of information that will help you achieve and answer any questions that may be troubling to you. Some of the resources that you will find on this website are.... 
  • Data and Statistics
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Emergencies and Disasters
  • Environmental Health
  • Healthy Living
  • Injury, Violence and Safety
  • Life Stages and Populations
  • Travelers' Health
  • Workplace Safety and Health
"Healthy People � Physically Educated and Physically Active!" AAHPERD is the largest organization of professionals involved in physical education, physical activity, dance, school health and sport, all specialties related to achieving an active, healthy lifestyle. Its mission is to advance professional practice and promote research related to health and physical education, physical activity, dance and sport by providing its members with a comprehensive and coordinated array of resources, support and programs to help practitioners improve their skills to further the health and well being of the American public.
General information about physical education or any subject is always on Wikipedia. Be careful, some teachers take Wikipedia for granted and believe it is unreliable because it can be edited by anyone. Wikipedia is a good site to gain general knowledge about a subject. use this as your last source for last minute, hard-to-find research.
PE Central is a site that has a lot of information for teachers and students. This site will be a great tool in assisting you in answering your questions and helping your research greatly. PE Central has different ideas and information that helps anyone in finding ideas for physical activity, and they have different activities that help for success.
Virginia Education Association has a great article that stresses the importance of physical activity. This article is a great key point that will help your project with credible research and answers.
This article on is just an article that talks about why kids need physical education as a learning tool. Also, the article talks about how physical activity stimulates the brain to remember more and prepare the brain for mental tasks.
Yet another article that explains why Physical education is important to not only the body but in mind function as a whole. The article gives seven reasons on why physical education is important to students.
Coming from Harvard, it must be good. Benefits of physical activity research by students at Harvard, School of Public Health, tells more reasons of why physical activity is important to not only students but in adults as well.
PHIT America is a cause and campaign dedicated to increasing physical activity and fitness to improve the health of America. While the name PHIT sounds like FIT, it also has another meaning. PHIT stands for Personal Health Investment Today. They feel we must invest in fitness and sports activities today to improve the health of Americans. How will this PHIT into your presentation?

Here is "PROCESS" part

You and your group need to find out what your favorite part of gym class was/still is. What were your likes/dislikes, favorite sport/activity that you participated in class? List and create a short paper.
Day 1
    1. Welcome to the class and a short introduction to the assignment.
    2. Students will be placed into groups with their individual roles.
    3. We will move to the computer lab and each student will sit with their assigned group with access to their own computer.
    4. Students will go to the website
    5. Students next will individually read the Introduction.
    6. After reading the Introduction students will discuss how they can work successfully as a team to accomplish this project.
    7. Student then will begin by looking at the their assignment.
    8. Students can, if they want, write down notes or questions.
    9. Before the end of the hour, have students share as a team what they have discovered.
    10. Start researching for your project.
 Day 2
      1.     Start the day by connecting with your groups onwhat you know.

2.           Figure out what you are about to learn and whatyou want to know about physical education.
3.            Write down questions that pertain tophysical education.
4.            Use the websites that I have given you toanswer these questions.
5.             Be ready with unanswered questionsthat you can either talk to me or your group about.

Day 3

1.           Connect with your groups and find out what eachperson knows or hasfound out in yesterday homework.

2.           Organize your material and start working on yourpresentation.

3.           Continue asking questions and finding newinformation that may be interesting to your classmates.

4.           If you have any questions try to look them up,if not then ask me for help.
Day 4

1.           Meet with your groups one last time to answerany questions that you still haven't figured out.

2.           Put the finishing pieces of your projecttogether including your summary and who is going to present what piece.

3.           We will start presentations according to groupnumber.

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