Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I'm subscribing a podcast : CNN Student News

With my iPhone I can easily downroad and watch new episode uploaded day by day.
I have been using this tool for about three years.
I started to subscribe this podcast when I was freshman in my college.
Sadly, I didn't have much time to listen it, because of busy daily life.....
It's not same with CNN News Clips, but it is made with more easy English than real CNN clips.
It's made for middle or high school students who are really interested in current issues, especially in global issues.
I heard that there are many teachers using this podcast for classroom time.
I think this podcast is really good for my English learning, because my English level is not that high.
Also as I mentioned, I'm really interested in global issues, so I uploaded so many CNN news clips about global issues, about North Korea, ISIS, etc.
This podcast shows one issue briefly, so you don't have to have deep knowledge about the subject.
You don't have to be suppressed by difficult matters and words. It's pretty easy to understand.
I recommend this podcast, it's really excellent listening tool for you!

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