Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tasks in Class : My 1st Discussion Forum

1. CALL, ICT, MALL, Smart learning

 'CALL' is acronym of 'computer-assisted language learning', and 'MALL' is acronym of 'mobile-assisted language learning'. I think MALL is included in CALL, because most mobile devices can be refered as a kind of computers. 'ICT' is acronym of 'Information and communication technologies'. It means the term isn't used limitedly only in language learning field. So 'ICT' has the most broad meaning that can contain the four terms. Lastly, 'Smart learning' has similar sense with 'MALL', but it also can be used in other learning fields like 'ICT'. It is related with using various cutting-edge mobile devices like smart phones or tablets.

2. Why do teacher need to develop CALL knowledge? What knowledge do you think you need to know for the future language education?

 'CALL' is based on multimedia and web (World Wide Web), especially the web is called as the ocean of information. This means we can get immense amounts of contents to use in language learning contexts. We shouldn't miss this opportunity. And secondly, many Korean students has positive feeling with using computer. Commonly, they like to use computer and are friendly with it. Then, the fact that they can study English ,which is thought to be bored, using computer or any other mobile divices can be a kind of motivation. To utilize 'CALL' we have to have enough capacity for evaluating and choosing proper 'CALL' contents that has optimal quality.

3. I want to engage in 'CALL' environment as a manager of computer-mediated communication among learners, because I really interested in how to make optimal context to encourage students to communicate freely.

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