A corpus means a large collection of texts, and
corpora is its plural form. Any texts like books or web page’s writings, and
newspapers can be corpus. Even someone’s speech can be a corpus, if it is
written in a text. We can use it for studying various linguistic properties,
and it is material of a concordance.
The definition of concordance is an alphabetical
list of words in a book or a series of books in which we can search where a
specific word is used and how the specific word is used in the book. By using it
we can find information related to the word very quickly and easily.
Lastly, DDL (Data Driven Learning) is a kind of
approach of language learning. According to DDL learners obtain linguistic
intuition such as where to locate a specific word or proper collocation by
utilizing concordance programs. That is learning is driven by authentic
language data. Also, there is little or no explicit teaching of rules, but
there is learner’s own discovery of rules, principles, and usage patterns of
the target language.
2. How can you gather English corpus data? Give us
specific sources.
Realistically, we can’t type all the texts in a
book, because it takes extremely long time. Then can we search and copy texts
in web pages? It can be good source for a corpus. However, sometimes it can be undesirable
source for a class context, because there are much ungrammatical use of
language. For the reasons above, I thought using e-books as the source would be
recommendable. Now, almost every book has its e-book version, so we don’t have
to worry about the lack of materials.
3. What kinds of benefits can we expect in using
corpus in English class?
By utilizing corpora, students can learn diverse sentences in the corpora which are used in real meterials. That is not unrealistic sentences which are made just for syntactic analysis or for explaining the meaning of a new word. Sentences could be found in corpora are practical and realistical sentences. It shows more native-like using of English.
This is related to "Lexical Approach". Many Korean public teachers don't teach about collocations, semi-fixed or fixed expressions. In this problem, we can find using corpus as the solution. Using corpora, students can learn about those things.
4. Discuss the corpus-based activities that English
learners and teachers can use.
I tried to figure out how we can utilize corpora in the connection with the "Lexical Approach". How about the activity in which students select most appropriate (native-like)
collocation among four options by searching corpus materials.
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